Woke up at 5am..

December 28, 2008

I was thirsty, so I went out to the kitchen and had a drink straight from the bottle.

Sam stayed the night last night. We got pretty messy.  So I grabbed the bottle in case she wanted a drink, shut the fridge, and went back in to my room. I asked her if she wanted a drink, but got no reply.

I noticed that even though the tv had turned off  thanks to the sleep timer, the DVD player was still going from when we started watching Twilight before we went to bed. It’s really noise, so I started hunting in the dark for the remote. Couldn’t find it, and couldn’t be bothered getting out of bed again. So I said “Sam cover your eyes I’m turning on the light”. She sits up and says “God I’m thirsty”, which I laughed at and said “I did offer you one” and handed her the bottle.

Turns out, we were wide awake.

So we put twilight back on and finished watching it.

We kept freaking each other out, because every time one of us would mention something, the other one was thinking it, eg, I was thinking about whether we’d agreed last night that I’d go over to Sams tonight, and she says “So you’re coming over tonight yeah?”. Kid you not, happened 4 or 5 times.

Twilight finished, it was about 6am, and we weren’t tired at all.

So I chucked in the special features disc from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, which Sam and I were both completely content watching haha. Oh! Another freaky thing happened while we were watching it. We were listening to the cast talking about what it’s like on set, when I said “holy crap it’s 6:45”. No more than 5 seconds later, Robert Pattinson (aka Cedric Diggory, and Edward Cullin, and the reason for our pleasure in watching special features discs) said “it’s 6:45 in the morning and some of these people have been here 2 hours already”. So freaky!!

Just wanted to put it out there – Daniel Radcliffe, aka Harry Potter, is hilarious in the special features! Only Sam is going to know what I mean by this but anyway *hand in air and leg out in celebration*

Once we’d watched the whole disc, I put the special features disc from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in, and we watched that.

Pretty sure that we are pathetic.
But it seriously ruled. Hahaha.

I just had lunch with her then, and we had another freaky moment.

This time she sang a song and it reminded me of last night when she had a song stuck in her head. I was trying to think of what it was and she said “What did I have in my head last night?”. We both lost it, so funny.

Siked for Mighty Boosh season 2 tonight.



At 7pmish, Sam and I were at Pezs waiting for her to bloody get in the car so we could go to the beach.
We were listening to Robert Pattinson and I sighed then said “Robert Pattinson is my dreamboat” at exactly the same time as she said “Robert Pattinson is such a dreamboat”. We both paused after ‘dream’ and looked at each other before saying ‘boat’.

It’s getting creepy now.

Beach was good, apart from the sun pissing off =[.

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